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Feel Better.

Increase Energy.

Stay Hydrated.

Boost Immunity.

Boost Immunity.

Reduce Symptoms Of Jet Lag.

Feel Better.

Increase Energy.

Stay Hydrated.

Boost Immunity.

Boost Immunity.

Reduce Symptoms Of Jet Lag.

What the members have to say


Sandra C.

Reason for Flight





Flight life line! Very happy with this purchase. And glad this sort of flight friendly single-use version was launched! My go-to before every flight and usually the following day for a boost.


Jamie G.

Reason for Flight

Flight Attendant




Cannot travel without it! I love the taste and I enjoy sharing it with my colleagues as well. We’re all flight crew so it was much appreciated to have a supplement that is so well-tailored to combat the negative effects of flying.


Ekeonora K.

Reason for Flight





I had a very long and tiring flight - 4 airports, 3 continents in 72 hours.
Surprisingly, I wasn’t tired or have jet lag (usually I need 3-4 days). I kept sipping that Elixir and it worked for me! Definitely my flight essential! Highly recommended.


Membership is achieved by subscribing to our monthly auto-ship program! Just click the Subscribe and Save 10% button on any product and you'll be automatically enrolled.

Not only do you get 10% off every single shipment, but you also get exclusive membership offers, first access to new products, free travel gear and product every few shipments, and more!

PLUS the biggest perk of all: one less thing to remember to do before you take off on your trip.

Yes, you can cancel and pause your membership at any time.


How to use Flight Elixir

Sit back, sip, and enjoy your flight.